Please visit my website to order autographed copies of my series, Super Grandma and Super Grandpa, The Unknown Superheroes, Book 1, 2, & 3. You may also order Super Grandma, Super Grandpa, Super Grandson, and Super Granddaughter products. https://www.supergrandmaand
Learn more about Author Christine J. Gilbert aka Author Marvela Dawnay by listening to her latest interview with Tom Clairmont on September 23, 2020. He is a small business development coach and podcast host, and he’s proudly wearing his Super Grandpa t-shirt.
Click on the link below to listen to the interview – Episode #8:
Corporate Banker Turns into Multi-Book Author – Interview of Christine J. Gilbert
Interview: Radio Friends with Paul Pepper, August 20, 2019.
Today Paul Pepper visits with author CHRISTINE J. GILBERT and illustrator DAVID HARRIS about “Super Grandma and Super Grandpa: The Unknown Superheroes.” This three-book series has a lot of action and a positive message that’s entertaining enough for children, parents and, of course, grandparents! Also, David tells us about his own children’s book – a work in progress – that deals with how to be a best friend. January 18, 2018.
Sharing with you, Michelle Davidson Bratcher and Joel Nichols interviewing me on Kansas City Live Channel 41 on March 1, 2017. I want to thank them for their time and support of my work. And I want to thank all my family, friends and readers for also supporting me and my work.
An interviewed by when I was a vendor on Saturday, October 7, 2017 at Versailles Olde Time Apple Festival, Versailles, Missouri.
January 11, 2017, Better Kansas City KCTV5 interviewed Author Christine J. Gilbert about her Super Grandma and Super Grandpa, The Unknown Superheroes, Book 1 & Book 2.
Author Interview with Toginet
Press Release by Fox14 TV by Carly Willis, Reporter
FORT SCOTT, KANSAS – Parsons author Jim Maher signs copies of his recent book, “Leaders, Losers, and Lessons” at a Fort Scott coffee shop. The idea behind Maher’s book is that success is generated from within with a deeper, more fulfilling emotional fulfillment than financial gain can ever reach.
“It’s really been meaningful. We’ve had some really good traffic and we really appreciate that. We’ve been able to sign quite a few books and sell quite a few books. And it’s been fun just meeting the people of Fort Scott,” Maher said.
Maher invited his friend and fellow published author, Christine J. Gilbert to attend the signing and promote her recent works: two of three books in a trilogy about domestic abuse as well as her book, “Super Grandma and Super Grandpa: The Unknown Superheroes”. Gilbert’s trilogy is meant to help others.
“It educates the reader on patterns of an abuser, and abuse within families. There’s always a pattern. And we know that one out of four women is in a domestic violence relationship. So that’s why I wanted to sit down and write this story to help others,” Gilbert said.
Maher and Gilbert’s works are available on Amazon.
Press Release by PRWeb
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – With one in four women having experienced domestic violence in her life, the topic of abusive men using violence for self-gain and power has become more prevalent in American culture.
Aiming to educate women around the US, MANipulated Into Fear, follows a biographical story that covers the bruising details of domestic abuse.
This narrative illustrates Marvela Dawnay, a successful executive with a dark secret. Revealing Dawnay’s three divorces in 13 years from her physically and emotional abusive husband, Rolf, this book reveals the patterns of fear and manipulation that rule abusive relationships. Depicting these signs of coveting power, MANipulated Into Fear portrays how Rolf acted like a changed man in order to control Marvela back into a violent marriage to benefit his self.
“This book is for anyone in a relationship in which fear is used to dictate a partner,” says Dawnay. “I want to inspire others to have the courage to leave any abusive relationship, for good!”
MANipulated Into Fear: there is always a pattern
By Marvela Dawnay
ISBN: 978-1-4772-9884-8
Pages: 300
Price: (SC) $19.95 (HC) $28.99
Available at,, and
Review by Jan Stone of PsychCentral
If you are new to reading books about how manipulative and cruel men can be to the women they profess to love, the book MANipulated into Fear by Marvela Dawnay can be validating.
Dawnay tells us that, as a young woman, she fell in love with a charismatic, slightly older man and ended up marrying him three times before she fully understood that he really never loved her, that he did not know how to love anyone. Then, finally, the patterns of his behavior became unmistakably evident, and she had to leave him behind for good.
There are countless successful women who are finding themselves in abusive relationships, be it physical, emotional, psychological or all, with men who no one would believe would harm a soul. As otherwise smart women, it takes time and convincing to believe that yes, this is happening, and although your family and friends only see the “great guy,” you are involved with a sociopath or psychopath whose primary role is to suck the life out of you.
This book is particularly helpful to those women who are just coming upon such a realization. Dawnay walks the reader through the 13-year hell she survived, sharing all of the details of the relationship — from first falling in love to selling her things and buying new ones on credit to restore his, through three divorces to at last recognizing his patterns and actions were real and harmful and not a reflection of her intelligence.
If you’re not new to the phenomenon, everything you’ve read or experienced before is likely summarized in the introduction. “Sometimes Rolf seemed to care about me; he was able to fake his feelings. I found that Rolf had no remorse or feelings for anyone… I always felt Rolf was two different people.” Dawnay writes. Those who have survived this type of abuse know what happens next: Dawnay talks about some of the worst parts of being with him. “Rolf was very good about getting family members, other people, attorneys to take his side. He always told them that I was crazy and that the things I said were not true. He tried to make them believe that it was all in my mind. It was as though Rolf wore a mask and other people did not see him unmasked.”
Throughout the book she talks about how she came to these realizations and the addictive personality patterns that accompany this kind of man. Usually of low self-esteem and into alcohol, drugs, or both, these men charm you by putting you in the center of their universe, make you feel like you’ve never felt before. Then seemingly out of nowhere comes the anger and with it the patterns of abuse, like aggressive or unwelcome sex, sex with others, making you feel worthless and crazy, and basically going against every sensibility you have about love and commitment.
The first time you encounter this, it can take a long while to decide that, whoever is right or wrong, you’ve had enough. Rolf and the author would go to church together, she writes, and he would treat her like the only woman who ever existed. But once lulled into that false sense of believing what you begin to know doesn’t feel sincere anymore, she explains, the honeymoon phase ebbs, you’re shot down by the most vulgar language, insults, and false insinuations designed to shame you, and the cycle of abuse begins.
Drinking, drugs, other women, then crawling back with remorse are the patterns you can bank on. But who is going to believe you when to the outside world he is Mr. Charming?
“Never take for granted that you know a person,” Dawnay writes. “Often women like myself do not know they are being manipulated into fear. We do not even realize that we really are afraid of the person because we have adapted to his way of life,” she summarizes in the introduction, and then goes on to demonstrate for 300 pages with details.
Anyone who understands this life will recognize it by the time she reaches the first sentence of Chapter 1. After the introduction and prologue that summarize the familiar patterns, Dawnay starts her particular story, beginning with one of the better lead sentences for this type of book: “I am forty-eight years old and just purchased a .38 caliber revolver.”
She then details the variety of ways abusive, sociopathic, or psychopathic men go about torturing otherwise smart and successful women, making their efforts particularly abominable because these woman are chosen for such qualities. Men without conscience choose these women as their victims precisely because these women will fight themselves to the very last second of sanity before sharing their perceived shame with those who they hope will believe them.
Thankfully, the reality of the commonality of this story is beginning to crack through the walls and be recognized as a real and serious problem in society. Thus, if you’re new to this reality, you will want to go through it with someone else as Dawnay describes the life punch by punch, literally and figuratively. If you’re a little more well read, aware of the patterns, and validated by the truth of this phenomenon, you may want to share the book with someone you think might be going through this but has not yet had the courage to acknowledge it. For those, this will be a tremendously validating and hopefully life-altering read.
Full Story Here
Foreword Reviews Magazine is sold at Barnes and Noble. My two books MANipulated Into Fear and White Roses In A Dream have received Foreword Clarion Five Star Review’s.
Featured Author Article, May 25, 2013
MANipulated Into Fear, There Is Always A Pattern, Author: Marvela Dawnay, Interview Thursday, April 25, 2013 with
The link below is an article posted by PRWeb, New Book “MANipulated Into Fear” Discovers the Patterns of Abuse
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Focus On Women Magazine – Purchase online. Great articles – advertises & sells e-books. MANipulated Into Fear can be purchased in this magazine.
Valterra Magazines – Hidden Desire Romance – Various romance short stories that can be read online and advertising great books from many authors. MANipulated Into Fear is advertised in this magazine.
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